My Pics

Monday, November 13, 2006


Everyday you get up and then start your day. I normally brush my teeth once i am up and thats where it happens, a stroke of thought and one thing lets to another and i am soon enough thinking from what will I be doing today, whom i have to call, what do i have to plan, etc etc. Normally you wouldnt think about 'Thinking', but i always get this vibe from some people OK most people, that I think too much, is planning out my day a crime? is fore sighting my career a crime? I love to design my daily life inorder to prevent any unforseen circumstances in advance (save money) and for that I have to think, after all thats what differentiates a man from animal. So is thinking a crime? or is calling out name just a way to get back at more cranially superficial mammal by those who lack the understanding of grey matter. I am not saying you should be thinking sitting on a roller coaster, or watching a game or at pubs. but when you are taking a decision you better do or else you would depending on social security ! Striking thoughts come to me when I am watching a movie and the people around me are in peel of laughter and I am thinking am I different from them all ( not that scene was not funny) but something about dark room and concentration on screen makes me think about my future more. So why do people say "dont think so much" well thats just me !

1 comment:

RockO said...

think think think
thoughts create!