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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Family relationships and their importance

Family relationships and their importance

I wonder how many of us ever, stand back and think what are we in this world for, why do we belong in this world. What is the main purpose that a man goes through this cycle of birth, life and death? Every stage of mans life has a purpose, when he is child he is thought to study hard and get into good college. When he is young he is told to study hard and make a good career out of his life, and when he is older he wants to earn enough money so he can enjoy the riches of his success. So are we chasing our own dreams, which are set forth upon us by our parents, society, and friends? During this phase of our dream chase are we forgetting what makes a man, a man. What differentiates him from animals? Isnt civilization inherited by just being born a man? Is it just civilization what he inherits by being a man doesnt he also inherit a family when he is born. So why is that as he grows older, does the very basic fabric which keeps him civilized keeps growing thinner and thinner. Why does he want to continue on his mirage journey of success by blinding out the very basic emotions which make a man. Why do we not make that extra step of going out of our way to meet our aunts or uncles or cousins whom we grew up with and equally grew afar with while chasing those dreams, that one day it hits you that this was my closest sis and I havent seen her for ages. Why do very people we grew up with are so strangers that you dont want to make that extra trip to meet them. Is it because we are chasing our elusive dream of being successful in life? Besides what is success, isnt its final frontier something which can bring joy to you, may be its luxury, may be its standing on top of mountain and saying I am the richest? But in the end its bringing joy to you. So what if the same joy or happiness be achieved by something else.
What is that connection you have with your family that you want to meet them? Is it the momentous time you had with them or is it that you have that special warmth with your loved ones that makes you happy when u get that Christmas card or an email. I think if we take a little time off to contemplate on these small things, it will make some of our lives more richer. I know for sure that for a fact no one is born alone in this world and no one has to die alone. In the end you will known for how many lives you touched in your life, and not how much money you made and the way you spent it, offcourse if your bill gates that is true too !

artificiality and religion

Artificiality and religion
Current mood: tired

I just returned from detroit. really good trip since i could meet my relatives, especially my aunt who just landed in US. Ironically its not relatives why i will remember this trip, but its becos lot of unseen artificiality of people towards religion, is why i will remember it. The only time i have been to temple in last two years is when i have been to Detroit, which leads to me ask a question? ru religious becos u show ur religious. or ru religious becos u practise ur religion in ur heart. Why do people have to tell me that if u do this u will be religious. By Hindu religion i am a Brahmin. By birth i should be the keeper of religion and preach people about my religion and my god and perform religious ceremonies. Till date i have never performed any ceremony, nor have i preached anyone abt Hinduism. Point being i have noway near practised my faith or like people like to call it wear it on my arm. Why am i asking these questions? becos when i was at this temple something triggered me to seek answers to these questions. I saw some people majjority of whom were ABCD's (american born confused..indians) who seem to trying to show their blind faith toward religion. were they trying to show that nobody but themselves are real religious followers of their faith, and why were majority of them ABCD's is it becos they have been brought up in a society which judges a person's morality on the number of times he goes to a church or temple?
So this brings me back to my original question am i religious becos i show i am religious or am i religious becos i practise my religiousness !! (new word ?) in my heart.After all what is religiousness..isnt it telling the good from the bad. Go and read any religious book..Bible..Bhagvad gita ..Koran and u will find that basic gist is that all these books ask u to live a life of purity and moralness. It asks u to do good and not do bad, they lay down the distinguishness between good and bad. However great deal of message might be lost in translating these books, various ppl might interpret various meanings from these books, hence we have the preachers or the priests. the so called keepers of religion. In any religion you will see that the most power is invested in the hands of priests. they control the way people live their lives. they control the way you think about any incident, in many cases they are also the vote gatheres. yes it happens in india and US and i am sure in many other countries. Why should so much power bein the hands of some one who tells us how we should live our lives? Cant each individual think on its own what is moral and what is not? if not then isnt education system a part of imparting morality, the more educated ur the less chances u will have of tripping in loose morals? and what is morality. it is not immoral to drink alcohol in chrsitianity, but it is considered immoral in hinduism..
Well i can only contemplate how my faith will be towards my religion. It will be what i thinkis good in my heart and not hurt others in my daily life, as long as they dont hurt me..
I can only say this much, offcourse people will disagree and have other ideas..which according to my religion ;) is OK

target and books

Targets and books
Current mood: awake

After a long hiatus i have decided to write again today
I had left at setting my targets, After four days of thinking about my future and present situation i have finally decided my path, but todays blog is not about targets, i am reading this book, the monk who sold his ferrari, by robin sharma. Remember how conincident it is when something you are doing and somebody has already done that and printed it out in a book and is making money about it. I had read this chapter yesterday where he talks about setting your targets, writting it down, breaking it up in smaller targets nad setting time on them. Well why do i keep reading these books about autobios and self helps where in i kkep coming across these similiarities in behavioral aspects. Its my belief that there is something called common sense which a man keeps loosing as he matures enough, how can you explain a one year old touchsomething hot and retract his hand, never in his life time will he do that same mistake again, he has learnt an important lesson in life, yet we as adults have learnt lessons throughout our life and failed to act on them. we have stashed our daily learnings, tagged them as common sense and thrown them in some long forgiven part of our brain. Why do we need self helps and autobios to trigger our beliefs and experiences to come forward and steer our progress. They are called experiences becos we have gone through them and learnt something. so that next time you are in that situation you know what else to do. How many of our selves let the mundaness of our life take cover on our beliefs and our goals and forget what you want to be and when? surprisingly enough a lot !!
I have set goals for me for this week and yet how much i have achieved 0 % If i had set this goal for my exam or a deadline, i would be slogging my butt out to achive it, yet being somewhere in life is not inspiration enough for me to act. What more trigger will i need to do it, i probably dont know, but i know for sure one thing, everyone has that little flame in him which makes him burn for desire for achievement. He may not do it first day,second day but if that desire is large enough he eventually will achieve it. The difference between achievers and non achievers i think is that threshold point for being consumed by the fire to act is less then that of those of non achievers.
I think i have to start thinking about my targets and act on them, cos i know nobody got succesfull writng blogs.

blog 2

Current mood: optimistic

So Second Day second blog, atleast promises are kept at this side of my comp.
The moments which I talked about yesterday make you step back and help u take a perspective of what is going around you.and where you wanna be. Also these introspections beg you to answer if you are doing what ur supposed to be doing to get where u wanna be.
so if these moments were meant to raise me from my slumber, they sure did, atleast my mind. the question which arises is just how much encouragement you need in urmind to make ur body follow the decisions taken up there. If you think its a second or minute or hour, then India would be independant in a year or so. To me the spark has to be ignited in sombodys belly to lead the fire in each house. Coming back to orignal question what am i doing and why and where do i have to be, I can definitly tell you am not doing what i should be doing. Where am i in my 5 yr plan somewhere around 50 % on what I should be at. The thing which i have understood what works for me is what works in every other phase of life, is that if ican create achievable targets in a time span and follow it with utmost heart ..anything is achievable. the secret is how much heart u have set up on it. having said that i think i will sit down to write my own targets and se where i reach.
hope it will taek one night of sleeping on it. so see you guys tomm

first blog

My First Blog !
Current mood: blank

May 1st Labour day 2006, Day of Unions, Days of Working class to rise up too the Management class, day of immigrant protest, but this day is not about communism or illegal immigrants its about me finally deciding to open up to the world, whoever it may be. Just dont know why my self control and my discipline be on the lighter side of the balance scale to write this blog, is a question which i will ponder again and again. All this infighting with my innerself and all this thinking has brought me to the point of where the bloody hell should i start this blog from.
I guess I will begin from the day where my conscience finally decide to let me start this activity. The day was this Saturday.
How many moments do people remember in their life when their all their life flashes in front of their eyes and makes them stand naked in the mirror of self judgement of onesself. Above all what triggers these moments? death of some one close by, close shave with accidents, some terminal disease or is it something good like birth of ones child, marriage? The answer to these questions probably lies with some doctor or psychologist. Considering that i have none of the above capabilities it will be fair to understand i DONT KNOW the answer, but what i know i had those moments twice in my life in last two weeks.
First one was the day after i had a gun put on my head and second was when I went to this indian (for the lack of proper definition) blues concert.
Considering that i have made a start and a promise to fill it up tommorow i think i am going to stop for the day. I am pretty sure i have things to fill it up for tommorow

Time to move on

Daily lives takes us through a whirlwind of emotions..some good and bad..but every emotion makes us smarter more experienced and help us move forward in our daily life..Emotions also has a common denominator in all..the more you share it the more you feel better ( better = subjective term) when u r kid growing up it might be ur family when ur as old as me it is ur close friends and when ur olde then me it might be ur partner..
every phase of our lives introduces us to new people and new friends and some become close to you as you share common beliefs common wavelengths, and common desire to do stupid stuff.

But one day it ends the common plat form which made you close ends and its time to move on..time to meet new friends new relationships and new people..
Life is continous change..nothin more to prove it then to see past friend circles.
All the days you are with dont realise how fun ur having or how much stabilisation of mind is given by the friendship. but the day you move on..that one day is the day when u figure out that every thing is not right..its the time u realise how much friendship means in giving u daily pleasures and enjoyment from mundane things in life.
I dont know if it makes sense to all, but those who have had real friends will probably know what i have bantered in this blog