Targets and books
Current mood: awake
I had left at setting my targets, After four days of thinking about my future and present situation i have finally decided my path, but todays blog is not about targets, i am reading this book, the monk who sold his ferrari, by robin sharma. Remember how conincident it is when something you are doing and somebody has already done that and printed it out in a book and is making money about it. I had read this chapter yesterday where he talks about setting your targets, writting it down, breaking it up in smaller targets nad setting time on them. Well why do i keep reading these books about autobios and self helps where in i kkep coming across these similiarities in behavioral aspects. Its my belief that there is something called common sense which a man keeps loosing as he matures enough, how can you explain a one year old touchsomething hot and retract his hand, never in his life time will he do that same mistake again, he has learnt an important lesson in life, yet we as adults have learnt lessons throughout our life and failed to act on them. we have stashed our daily learnings, tagged them as common sense and thrown them in some long forgiven part of our brain. Why do we need self helps and autobios to trigger our beliefs and experiences to come forward and steer our progress. They are called experiences becos we have gone through them and learnt something. so that next time you are in that situation you know what else to do. How many of our selves let the mundaness of our life take cover on our beliefs and our goals and forget what you want to be and when? surprisingly enough a lot !!
I have set goals for me for this week and yet how much i have achieved 0 % If i had set this goal for my exam or a deadline, i would be slogging my butt out to achive it, yet being somewhere in life is not inspiration enough for me to act. What more trigger will i need to do it, i probably dont know, but i know for sure one thing, everyone has that little flame in him which makes him burn for desire for achievement. He may not do it first day,second day but if that desire is large enough he eventually will achieve it. The difference between achievers and non achievers i think is that threshold point for being consumed by the fire to act is less then that of those of non achievers.
I think i have to start thinking about my targets and act on them, cos i know nobody got succesfull writng blogs.
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